Discontinued designs
All designs shown on this page are sold and are no longer available.
3p18 Glass birdbath on corten plinth, stainless steel branch, bronze birds
Daffodil sculpture 2.4m tall, corten/stainless steel
3kf18 Glass dish birdbath on corten steel plinth, stainless steel reeds, bronze birds
3w18 Bronze dish birdbath on corten plinth, stainless steel branch bronze birds
21p Glass and bronze birdbath (detail)
Autumn leaves 2.4m tall, corten/galvanised steel
21p Glass dish birdbath on stone plinth with three bronze parrots around the edge
Pelican sculptures (sitting) corten steel, 1.5m tall
43w Glass and stainless steel birdbath (detail)
43p Glass dish birdbath on a stainless steel plinth with three bronze parrots on double loops (not available on a stone plinth)
Oak leaf leaf sculpture 2m tall, corten steel
51w Rustic glass and barbed wire nest birdbath (detail)
Owl sculpture corten steel, on stone plinth, 2.6m tall
Wrens in grape topiary sculpture 2.4m tall, corten steel/bronze
Trillium flower sculpture 1.8m tall, corten/stainless steel
Ibis sculpture corten steel, 3m tall
Sunflower sculpture 1.2m square, corten/galv. steel
Eagle sculpture corten steel, 3m wingspan
51w Glass dish birdbath with two bronze wrens in a nest on a stone plinth
25p Glass dish birdbath with three bronze parrots on a gum branch
23p Glass dish birdbath on stainless steel plinth with three bronze parrots around the edge
31k Glass dish birdbath with three bronze kingfishers on and arch with a stone plinth and two pavers
33k Glass dish birdbath with three bronze kingfishers on an arch with a stainless steel plinth
Tawny Frogmouth sculpture corten steel, 1.2m tall bird
Autumn leaf sculpture (oak) 2.8m tall, corten steel
22p Glass dish birdbath with three bronze parrots on a st/steel rim around the edge on an open corten steel plinth
L64w Large bronze dish birdbath (900mm diameter) with a single wren on a stone and corten steel plinth
Falcon sculpture corten steel, 1m tall birds on tall stands
12w Glass dish birdbath with two bronze wrens in reeds on a corten steel plinth
Large eagle corten steel
42k Glass dish birdbath with three bronze kingfishers in a double loop on a corten steel plinth (not available with a stone plinth)
31p Glass dish birdbath with three bronze parrots on and arch over a stone plinth
Lyrebird sculpture corten steel, 1.8m tall bird
13p Glass birdbath with three bronze parrots in reeds on a stainless steel plinth, with a sliver of sand stone
33k Glass dish birdbath with three bronze kingfishers on a stainless steel plinth and paver
Ibis sculpture corten steel, 1m tall
Grape leaf sculpture 1.8m tall, corten steel
21p+ Glass birdbath with three bronze parrots in multiple rings on sandstone plinth
13k Glass dish birdbath with three kingfishers in reeds on a stainless steel plinth
12p Three bronze parrots in stainless steel reeds and the sliver of sand stone (detail)
11w Glass dish birdbath with (normally) three bronze wrens in reeds on sandstone plinth
S6w Bronze table top birdbath 600mm diameter with three bonze wrens (not available with a glass dish)
M6w Bronze birdbath 750mm diameter with five bronze wrens (not available with a glass dish)
Hawk sculpture corten steel, 1.5m wingspan
Grape leaf ‘leaf’ sculpture 1.6m tall, corten steel
Peacock sculpture corten steel, on stone plinth, 2m tall in total
Platypus sculpture corten steel, 2.4m long
22w Three bronze wrens on the rim (detail)
Grape topiary sculpture 2.4m tall, corten steel/bronze
43p and 43k Glass birdbaths on stainless steel plinths one with three bronze kingfishers, the other with three bronze parrots
S6w Bronze dish (600mm diameter) with three bronze birds
Platypus sculpture corten steel, 2.4m long
22p+ Glass dish birdbath on a corten steel plinth with 5 parrots
11m6k Large bronze dish birdbath (750mm diameter) on sandstone plinth with three bronze kingfishers in reeds
31k Birdbath with three bronze kingfishers on and arch with a stone plinth (detail)
Sunflower sculpture 1.2m square, corten/galv. steel
Darter sculpture corten steel, 1.6m wingspan
Peacocks corten steel, on stone plinths
14k Glass birdbath with three kingfishers in stainless steel reeds on a solid corten steel plinth
24p Glass dish birdbath on a solid corten steel plinth with three bronze parrots
14p Glass dish birdbath on a solid corten steel plinth with three bronze birds in stainless steel reeds
Eagle sculpture corten steel, on cairn 3.2m wingspan
M21p Large glass dish (750mm diameter) birdbath with 5 bronze parrots in grape vine on a stone plinth
Fish in ring sculpture corten steel, 1.4 m diameter
Garden bench and book sculptures corten steel, reclaimed steel, stone
Stiletto shoes and handbag garden accessories corten steel
Tulip sculpture 1.8m tall, corten steel
Parrots in grape topiary sculpture 2.4m tall, corten steel/bronze
Wrens in oak topiary sculpture 2m tall, corten steel, bronze
Emu sculpture corten steel, 3.2m tall
Lyrebird sculpture corten steel, on stone plinth, total height 2.6m
Hedge hole 2.4m diameter, corten steel
Oak leaf gates 3.2m high, mild/corten steel
Free form hedge hole 2.4m square
Drive way gate and posts (oak pattern) 4m opening, corten/mild steel stone acorns
Drive way gate and posts (oak pattern) 4m opening, corten/mild steel stone acorns
Screens with circle cut-out bronze wrens and nest, corten steel, 2m tall and 3.2m long
Driveway gate steel and copper, historic setting, Tasmania
Pedestrian gate steel and perforated copper, Tasmania
Driveway gate, posts and side panels (pear motif) corten steel
Fence and gate (convict arrow motif) historic setting Hobart, mild steel
Twig fence and gate mild steel
Grape garden gates corten/mild steel
Oak leaf screens framed, 2m x 1m, corten steel
Grape screen framed, 1m x 2m, corten steel
Villawood Properties logo with bird sculpture, 4m tall
Armstrong Creek Estate entrance lettering 3m tall
Lettering for the Nettlefold Foundation 2.4 m tall, corten steel
Apple Estate Villas boxed-up corten cut-out lettering
Letters with handbag and stiletto shoes 4m tall, outside Geelong
Affirmative words by the Nettlefold Foundation
Villawood Properties logo with birds at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show